Self-Help Tips for a Healthy Mindset

As we wrap up what has been a challenging year for many, prioritizing self-care remains among the most important practices we can implement to achieve and maintain a healthy mindset. The holiday bustle is setting in, and when paired with pandemic exhaustion, covid anxiety, and seasonal depression, it can create the perfect storm of stress. Here are tips from our professional therapists to get you through the rest of 2020, and beyond!

Schedule time for self-care.

Though it may seem obvious, making time to check in with yourself is often the most challenging part of practicing self-care. It’s easy to let your health fall to the bottom of your priority list on busy days. Don’t lose yourself in the daily grind, and block time in your schedule to do something that brings you joy.

Practice gratitude.

Remember all you have to be grateful for. Put negative thoughts into perspective, and really reflect on what is going well at this time. Keep a gratitude journal to maintain this practice.

Learn to accept.

Things will never go exactly the way we want them to. This is a lesson many of us learned the hard way this year. When so much feels out of your hands, accept it and use disappointment as a learning experience.

Focus on solutions.

No good comes from dwelling on everything that is going wrong. Remember to put your energy towards what’s in your control. Shift your thoughts away from the problem, and refocus on possible solutions. Discover new ways to improve your current situation.

Get outside.

It’s true that sunshine and fresh air are the best medicine. When you feel cooped up, let the great outdoors fuel your mood. Cold weather may make this practice more difficult, but bundle up and give it a try! Even breaking up your day with a simple walk around the block can work wonders.


Get organized and declutter your space. This is especially important when working from home, as a cluttered space can lead to an overwhelmed mind. Take it little by little, starting with an hour a day and rewarding yourself by relaxing after each cleaning session.

Go to therapy.

Although we may not be able to meet in person, we’re still here! Schedule a virtual appointment with your therapist. Many routine activities have been disrupted by the pandemic, but don’t let your mental health care visits be one of them.

All of us at EBC wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy holiday season!