Setting Achievable Goals in the New Year

Resolutions, though often set with good intent, can be damaging for some individuals. Whether the goal itself is unhealthy or the timeline is simply unattainable, the pressure of being a “new you” in the new year can be overwhelming, and even do more harm than good. It’s important to be aware of what resolutions are right for your needs. As you enter the blank slate that is this new year, here are tips from our professionals to help you set achievable goals that can benefit your mental health.

Break down your goals in to categories.

When wanting to make specific improvements, start with broad topics such as your health, career or relationships. Then, identify which goals can be achieved in the short term, and which goals are longer term. Short term goals should be attainable within a brief period of time, and should be very specific. Long term goals may take several months, or the entire year to achieve. Determine what works for your schedule and the capacity you have to take on these challenges.

Make your goals measurable.

When your goals are measurable, you allow yourself the ability to track your progress and determine your own success. When resolutions are vague, such as “to be more active”, the result is relative. Instead, aim to run a mile by the end of the month or drink an extra 24 ounces of water a day. Tailor the goal to you.

Practice positive reinforcement.

Instead of punishing yourself for what you don’t achieve, reward yourself for what you do. When you accomplish something new, even if it’s just a step on the way to your final goal, practice positive self-talk. It feels good when your hard work is recognized, so give yourself a pat on the back!

Still unsure of where to start? Below are examples of wellness goals you can implement this year to make 2021 a healthy one!

  • Be physically active at least once a day
  • Meditate for 5 minutes every morning
  • Start a journal and gather your thoughts once a week
  • Stay mindful in the moment and focus on the now
  • Give yourself what you need, and treat yourself with care
  • Go to therapy when you don’t feel at your best

Happy New Year from EBC!